Osprey at Trader Joe's in Nashua, NH

Osprey at Trader Joe's in Nashua, NH
Using the LED lighting as a Plateform

Osprey at Trader Joe's in Nashua, NH
The talons are out

Behind the Tsongas Arena in downtown Lowell, MA
There's a canal that has a small waterfall and I spotted this
Great Blue Heron hunting for lunch

Behind Philips Academy Boat House in Methuen, MA along the Merrimack River
A adolescent Bald Eagle

Actually in Methuen, MA along the Merrimack River
A young Bald Eagle is annoyed by a photographer (me) and prepares to fly off

A Red Tail Hawk behind the Alpine Butcher in Chelmsford MA

Wild Turkey in the scrub between my yard and the neighbors


Peregrine Falcon Lawrence MA

Peregrine Falcon at the Lawrence Clock Tower

Peregrine Falcon at the Lawrence Clock Tower

Peregrine Falcon at the Lawrence Clock Tower

Bison Heard in Haverhill, MA

Note the delicate front leg stance

Keeping an eye on things